Meaning and goals of modern public relations
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Submission date: 2018-07-18
Final revision date: 2019-01-23
Acceptance date: 2019-02-04
Publication date: 2019-02-04
JoMS 2018;39(4):169-183
Public relations, contrary to popular belief, is a wide range of activities of each organization. Among others, it is:
organization management function;
internal and external communication;
image promotion.
The article focuses on issues related to the use of various methods in everyday communication, as well as their use in activities aiming at creation of the organization's image and by politicians, especially in the pre-election period.
Communication is of great importance not only in private life of every person, but also in professional life. The type and quality of relationships people make with each other affects how they are perceived and sometimes allows them to know themselves. Communication is an indispensable element of everyday life of each society. Due to communication and interaction with other people we learn a lot and gain experience. Above all, thanks to the ability to communicate, people can also transmit information, express their opinions or influence the behavior of other people, as well as convey the feelings that accompany the situation.
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