Importance of education for safety
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Centrum Naukowo-Badawcze Ochrony Przeciwpożarowej – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy
Publication date: 2016-09-30
JoMS 2016;30(3):317-333
Today’s reality is full of hazards of various origins. Find out about it is very easy – just turn on the TV or radio to hear how many dangerous things happening in the country and the world. We always hear about the dangers of road, terrorist attacks, natural hazards in the form of typhoons, floods, earthquakes and fires, risks chemicals, as well as the threats caused by all kinds of persecution and deviations. The threat of aggression can also cause immediate environment, the desire for profit or relatively easy access to various drugs – alcohol, cigarettes, boosters, drugs. Therefore, an important aspect is to raise public awareness on the subject. Safety education begins in pre-school and continues throughout the cycle of schooling. In addition, all services increasingly provide programs and activities in this field. This article aims to demonstrate the importance of „Education for Security” and the implementation of programs outside of school. The authors show a variety of programs conducted by various departments and suggest a uniform and comprehensive training program „Education for Security”.
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