Climate change as a challenge to ethical action
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Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
Publication date: 2015-12-31
JoMS 2015;27(4):33-50
The connection between the alarming data on climate change and the other factors like increasing energy demand in the late twentieth century, the intensification of the consumer lifestyle in the developed countries, the increasing greenhouse gas emissions and the growing number of people in the world, has shown the need for more accurate look at the evolution of new environmental problems. Although the issues pertaining to the air pollution and climate change have been emphasized in international documents since the seventies of the twentieth century, it is only 30 years later when the philosophers became interested in that subject. The growing energy consumption and its impact on the climate change, highlights the importance of ethical issues. They not only focus on responsibility for damages that have been done, but also concentrate on obligations to future generations and millions of species which inhabit the planet. The cost of mitigation and adaptation is also important. The article will be about the problem that focuses on degree of responsibility of individual countries for climate changes, as well as, there will be presented proposals of allocation of future emissions and their reasoning. There also will be made suggestions which may be helpful to overcome the climate crisis.
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