Objectives: This article is devoted to the role of the institution of the Senate of the Republic of Poland in identifying and shaping regional policy in Poland, and shaping the concept of regionalism in the system of state power. The considerations included in its framework relate to specific understanding of rights from the point of view of regional policy and shaping its state power
Material and methods: This article is devoted to the role of the institution of the Senate of the Republic of Poland in identifying and shaping regional policy in Poland, and shaping the concept of regionalism in the system of state power. The considerations included in its framework relate to specific understanding of rights from the point of view of regional policy and shaping its state power
Results: This article is devoted to the role of the institution of the Senate of the Republic of Poland in identifying and shaping regional policy in Poland, and shaping the concept of regionalism in the system of state power. The considerations included in its framework relate to specific understanding of rights from the point of view of regional policy and shaping its state power
Conclusions: his article is devoted to the role of the institution of the Senate of the Republic of Poland in identifying and shaping regional policy in Poland,
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