Objectives: The aim of this presentation is to present the violent behavior of contemporary youth towards socially marginalized groups.
Material and methods: It was conducted using the CAWI technique.
Results: The research shows that young people mostly show favourable behaviour towards people representing socially marginalised groups and hardly ever engage in violent behaviour.
Conclusions: Research on violent behaviour of contemporary Polish youth towards socially marginalised groups was conducted among 3046 secondary school students. The socially marginalised groups were considered to be the poor, individuals with disabilities, members of national minorities, members of a religious community and individuals with a different gender orientation. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that, to a small extent, the surveyed adolescents present violent behaviours towards socially marginalised individuals. Violent behaviours are most often observed towards poor individuals (anger and irritation: 5.8%; ridicule: 9.5%, physical violence: 5.5%), members of national minorities (physical violence: 5%) and individuals belonging to a religious community (irritation and anger: 8.6%).
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