Professional burnout of pre-school and early-school teachers
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Uniwesytet Jagielloński
Submission date: 2019-01-15
Acceptance date: 2019-05-30
Publication date: 2019-07-24
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Krzysztof Dziurzyński   

Uniwesytet Jagielloński
JoMS 2019;41(2):11-38
The aim of this article is an empirical verification of the problem of burnout of pre-school and early-school education teachers.

Material and methods:
Empirical material, author's material collected on the basis of a survey of 182 people. It consists of 19 questions: five examined the dimension of emotional exhaustion, seven examined the dimension of depersonalization and seven more related to the sense of personal achievement. The teachers surveyed had to refer to a four-step scale (from 1 - completely inappropriate for me to 4 - definitely suitable for me). The second part of the questionnaire was used to measure the level of self-assessment. Self-assessment was measured based on the Polish adaptation of the SES M Self-Assessment Scale. Rosenberg.

The teachers of pre-school education and early school education were characterized by different levels of professional burnout. The low level of burnout was represented by 29.7% of the respondents, the average by 41.7%, and the high by 28.6%.

The relation between the level of education (pre-school, early-school), the age of the respondents, their length of service, the level of education and professional burnout does not allow to plot a permanent trend in the studied group, a relation which allows to unambiguously interpret the results obtained. Socio-demographic factors also do not have a high impact on the self-esteem of the studied group of female teachers. There are no noticeable differences between individual subgroups and the index value of the self-assessment variable. The vast majority (72%) of the teachers surveyed achieved average and above-average results in the SES Rosenberg self-assessment test.
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