Application of IT tools in management of small and medium-sized enterprises
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Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania i Marketingu w Sochaczewie
Publication date: 2019-05-07
JoMS 2019;40(1):65-89
The progress in the area of information technologies seen in the contemporary world raises questions about the future shape of management and to what extent the work of executives will be assisted and replaced by IT tools facilitating design of appropriate strategies and taking of the most rational decisions. An important issue for the development of businesses is also skill and ability to take advantage of modern technologies and apply them in the management processes of an organization. The article addresses issues concerning the significance of IT tools utilization in management, with particular regard to the barriers to their implementation in small and medium enterprises. Conclusions in this respect were drawn on the basis of analysis of GUS statistical data related to the use of information and communication technologies in businesses. A case study was also used to assess the level of implementation of IT tools in a manufacturing enterprise and to identify barriers in this regard.
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