The impact of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on the education process at the Police Academy in Szczytno in the opinion of respondents
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The Police Academy in Szczytno
Submission date: 2023-06-01
Final revision date: 2023-10-03
Acceptance date: 2023-10-20
Publication date: 2023-10-31
Corresponding author
Ewa Kuczyńska   

The Police Academy in Szczytno
JoMS 2023;52(3):478-503
Police Academy in Szczytno (WSPol) conducts a research task entitled “Education of (not only) uniformed services in the era of the Sars-Cov-2 coronavirus pandemic causing the Covid-19 disease. Studies on ensuring continuity of education and security to entities of the university or school environment. Forms and types of re(construction) of the educational environment resulting from the pandemic situation”, financed by the Ministry of the Interior and Administration. This publication presents the results of research relating to the solutions implemented at the Academy during the pandemic as good practices to be used in the event of threats e.g. related to a pandemic.

Material and methods:
The study used the method of a diagnostic survey, where the technique of an anonymous survey with a conjunctive and disjunctive set of questions was used. The questionnaire was created in the on-line form. The link was sent by e-mail to domestic and foreign entities participating in the research.

15 entities were invited to participate in the research – 12 universities, including 5 Polish and 7 foreign ones, as well as 3 foreign police schools. WSPol also took part in the research. Ultimately, the research were implemented in 8 of these entities with different business profiles. 30-40% of the teaching staff and 30-40% of the managerial staff of each university were surveyed.

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected most areas of life. As a result, Polish universities, both civilian and uniformed, had to face many challenges, such as the organization of remote work or a change in contacts with students or teachers. In connection with the above, solutions were introduced very quickly, which may have been planned in the long term, but had to be implemented as soon as possible, because the situation required it.
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