The analysis of selected scientific articles about the Internet of Things leads to the conclusion that the interest of researchers is growing. The Internet of Things is a complex environment in which technical aspects meet with social and military aspects. The Internet of Things inherits and multiplies the potential vulnerability of a single device on the Internet. The effects of the Mirai botnet in the USA, the Denial of service attack on Liberia, are a picture of the possible negative impact of the Internet of Things on human security.
Bognar, E. K. .(2018). Possibilities and security challenges of using IoT for military purposes. Hadmérnök. sze2018, Vol. 13 Issue 3, p378-390. 13p, Pozyskano (30.11.2018) z
Cha, S. et al. (2018). Security Evaluation Framework for Military IoT Devices. Security & Communication Networks, [s. l.], p. 1–12, Pozyskano (30.11.2018) z
Costigan, S. S.; Lindstrom, G. (2016). Policy and the Internet of Things. Connections (18121098), [s. l.], v. 15, n. 2, p. 9–18, 2016. Pozyskano (30.11.2018) z
De Donno, M. et al. (2018). DDoS-Capable IoT Malwares: Comparative Analysis and Mirai Investigation. Security & Communication Networks, [s. l.], p. 1–30, 2018. Pozyskano (30.11.2018) z
Mahlyanov, D. (2018). Internet of Things - a New Attack Vector for Hybrid Threats. Information & Security, [s. l.], v. 39, n. 2, p. 175–182, 2018. Pozyskano (02.12.2018) z
Trnka, M., Cerny, T., Stickney, N. (2018). Survey of Authentication and Authorization for the Internet of Things. Security & Communication Networks. 6/12/2018, ss. 1-17, Pozyskano (29.11.2018) z
Marczyk, M. (2015). Zagrożenia cyberterrorystyczne obszaru militarnego państwa – wybrane aspekty. Warszawa: Akademia Obrony Narodowej. ISBN 9788375235067.
Mayer-Schoenberger V., Cukier K., (tł. Głatki M.), (2014). Big Data, Rewolucja, która zmieni nasze myślenie, pracę i życie, Warszawa: MT Biznes sp. z o. o. ISBN 9788377465158.
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