Work Conditions and Tasks of School Counsellor
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Uniwersytet Śląski
Submission date: 2019-05-19
Final revision date: 2019-07-06
Acceptance date: 2019-07-06
Publication date: 2019-10-25
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Bogumiła Maria Bobik   

Uniwersytet Śląski
JoMS 2019;42(3):215-237
The main aim of the research was to become acquainted with the conditions of work and the tasks of the school counsellor resulting from the psychological and pedagogical help performed at educational facilities.

Material and methods:
The following two methods were used to obtain the research material: the diagnostic survey and assessment.

The results of quantitative analyses were classified into the following areas: the conditions of work, the school counsellor’s duties, the forms of pedagogical help in their work with the students, parents and teachers, the factors that influence the school counsellor’s model of work and individual features important in the profession of school counsellor. The mentioned analyses indicate that the contemporary counsellor is mainly a woman (the profession is feminised), with higher education, systematically improving and supplementing their knowledge so as to perform the tasks set by the pedagogical supervision and family, school and local environment.

Thanks to adequate professional preparation and application of a wide range of forms of help for the students, teacher and parents, the school counsellor constitutes a significant link of psychological and pedagogical help performed at the educational facilities.
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