User experience in the aspect of threats to digital security
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Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Skierniewicach, Wydział Nauk Przyrodniczych i Technicznych, Instytut Informatyki i Matematyki Stosowanej
Publication date: 2019-07-24
JoMS 2019;41(2):127-140
Aim Characterization of user experience as a threat to cyber security and determination of the level of awareness of users of social networks in the aspect of sharing their data in the network are the goal of the research presented in the article. Methods In order to investigate the indicated problem, we applied one of the qualitative research methods - an individual in-depth interview based on the original scenario. The motivation to use this method is the need to receive the most detailed information from users. The research group includes 12 people aged between 19 and 25, who use social media on a daily basis. Results From the interviews we have obtained information about the respondents’ knowledge about the data they provide and we have determined which data is actually made available by them in the network. On this basis, we have determined the level of awareness of users in the examined aspect. In addition, we obtained information about the motivation of the respondents to share data on portals of this class, this allowed us to characterize the user experience as a threat to the security of the network. Summary The results of the research have shown that people who use social media on a daily basis show incomplete awareness of the data they provide on sites of this class. The direct cause of this phenomenon is the high level of usability of these systems and the positive user experience exerted by them. These factors make users willingly use social networking sites, while providing data about themselves, as a result of this fact they become the target of people using social engineering, eg in the process of agitation, and this is a threat to digital security.
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