Creation of the Conditions for the Reflexivity of Students and Teachers: The Case of Cognize – Understand – Experience
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Uniwersytet Łódzki
Publication date: 2016-12-31
JoMS 2016;31(4):27-36
The text presents the theoretical framework of the Project ‘Poznać – Zrozumieć – Doświadczyć’ (Learn – Comprehend – Experience) implemented by the University of Lodz. The main aim of the project was for students, academic teachers and researchers to develop a space for mutual learning and education, the major purpose of which was to establish a constructive relationship between pedagogical theory and practice. The space is intended to allow for profound reflection, understood as consideration, inquiry and deliberation of issues from various points of view and perspectives; the reflection in action and on action, which reveals the complexity of a learning act, presents the importance of various individual receptions of the same educational situations and their individual interpretations. This reflection should also create an opportunity to gain personal knowledge that facilitates the comprehension of educational events. Such a reflection is, in my opinion, a prerequisite for the development of a student’s research approach and then also a teacher’s. Due to this reflection the world ceases to be perceived as a sustained and harmonious structure and becomes a set of questions, an area of research and practical uncertainty. The reflection also supports creativity and transgression that results in an individual crossing the borders of what has already been learnt or mastered.
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