Training in mediation as a guarantee of quality of the mediating institution.
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University Jaume I (Castellón, Spain)
Submission date: 2018-07-24
Acceptance date: 2019-03-29
Publication date: 2019-05-07
Corresponding author
Helena Pérez Beltrán   

University Jaume I (Castellón, Spain)
JoMS 2019;40(1):31-43
After a historical review of the evolution of mediation in Spain, the incidence of mediation in society has been proven, both at Spanish and European level, after the approval of Directive 2008/52 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21May 2008, on certain aspects of mediation in civil and commercial matters. The consolidation of the mediation is still a pending task in Europe, it is necessary to foster the confidence of society in mediation as a formula for effective and quick management and resolution of the conflicts.

Material and methods:
This paper analyses the level of sufficiency of the necessary requirements to be a mediator in each of the twenty-eight Member States and then, firstly, it verifies its possible link with the fact that the States have promoted or regulated the mediation and, secondly, it verifies its possible link with the number of annual mediations performed by all of them.

There is a great disparity and divergence between the twenty-eight Member States with regard to the creation, recognition, growth and development of the profession of mediator.

To establish quality standards for training programs - beyond setting minimum general contents and a specific number of training hours - and, therefore, to guarantee the quality of the mediation is a pending task throughout Europe.

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