To rescue or not to rescue? Social readiness for emergency response and design of societal safety culture
Szkoła Główna Służby Pożarniczej
Data nadesłania: 12-04-2021
Data ostatniej rewizji: 05-10-2021
Data akceptacji: 06-10-2021
Data publikacji: 22-12-2021
Autor do korespondencji
Paweł Gromek   

Szkoła Główna Służby Pożarniczej
JoMS 2021;47(2):123-151
The research is aimed at ways of shaping the culture of societal safety based on factors determining the profile of social readiness to conduct operational activities in the face of natural and technical disasters.

Material and methods:
We used elements of the concept of network analysis of Gomez, Probst and Ulrich, as well as the model of safety culture of Cieslarczyk. On this basis, methodologies of network analysis and designing ways to shape the culture are formulated. The network analysis was used to determine the system of factors affecting the social readiness profile and the possibility of influencing individual elements of this system. The adopted design methodology is presented using an algorithm of conduct.

The key role of strengthening and building practical experience has been proven. The legitimacy of doing this in close relationship with educational processes is emphasized. In addition, gaps in the network of relevant factors are indicated.

Specific guidelines for shaping culture of societal safety are included in the catalogues of methods and activities. Moreover, research restrictions are discussed. Areas of further scientific research in the considered context are also indicated.

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