Theoretical Principles of Employees’ Rights Protection in the Context of Responsibility for Mobbing
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Sumy National Agrarian University
Publication date: 2019-10-25
JoMS 2019;42(3):201-213
Purpose of the work is to investigate theoretical principles of employees’ rights protection in the context of responsibility for mobbing. The theoretical and methodological basics of the research are general scientific and special methods of certain jurisprudence phenomena and processes’ cognition. The dialectical method was used in the synthesis of theoretical and methodological foundations of employment policy abroad and in Ukraine, as well as formulating conclusions. Thus, we used a common dialectic method which allowed us to reveal the content of employer, employee and mobbing in the context of the domestic and foreign scholars’ experience. We also have used abstract and logical investigation methods of law process in the field of employee’s rights protection. Statistical methods were used for analyzing trends of employee’s rights in different countries. The authors investigated: the main stages of the employment in Ukraine; focused attention on three events that occur during the legal employment of a hired worker; the definition of the mobbing, its concept, the experience of counteracting and establishing responsibility for this offense in the EU. The paper identified the main principles of the mobbing counteracting system’s development in Ukraine. In further investigations it is necessary to make a distinction between actions that Theoretical Principles of Employees’ Rights Protection in the Context of Responsibility for Mobbing take place exclusively at the workplace while performing employee’s duties and extending to more private aspects of a person’s life (correspondence, messengers, telephone calls at a time that is not formally a working).
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