The use of traditional and agile Project Management methodologies in ICT
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
Polsko-Japońska Akademia Technik Komputerowych
Data nadesłania: 23-08-2022
Data ostatniej rewizji: 11-11-2022
Data akceptacji: 11-11-2022
Data publikacji: 29-11-2022
Autor do korespondencji
Piotr Grzegorz Pietrzak   

Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
JoMS 2022;49(2):509-528
The main aim of this article was to present the use of traditional and agile project management methodologies in companies in the communication and information technology (ICT) industry.

Material and methods:
The following methods were used to obtain research material and present the obtained results: literature studies, diagnostic survey, descriptive, tabular and graphic.

The following results were obtained in the study: (1) most of the respondents had the opportunity to work with both traditional and agile project management methodologies; (2) PRINCE2® was the popular traditional methodology and Scrum was the most popular agile methodology among the respondents; (3) the respondents valued higher the agile methodologies included the study (Scrum, XP, FDD) than the traditional ones (PMBoK®, PRINCE2®) in terms of the quality and efficiency of work; (4) according to the respondents, the most important advantage of traditional methodologies is the use of a transparent structure, whereas the most important advantage of the agile methodologies is defining the project success as an ability to deliver business value to the end-user; (5) according to the respondents, the biggest disadvantage of traditional methodologies is late testing of the implemented solutions, and the biggest disadvantage of the agile methodologies is their lower predictability.

The article succeeded in achieving the main objective and research tasks as well as verifying the research hypotheses. Due to its limitations, it constitutes a starting point for further analyses of the problem area undertaken.
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