The social world of able-bodied and disabled athletes
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Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
Rada Miasta Tarnobrzega
Submission date: 2021-12-09
Final revision date: 2022-10-11
Acceptance date: 2022-10-17
Publication date: 2022-11-29
Corresponding author
Beata Lucyna Szluz   

Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
JoMS 2022;49(2):159-176
The goal is to present the results of sociological research with respect to comprehending the subjective social world of both able-bodied and disabled athletes.

Material and methods:
The research used the concept of Fritz Schütze, with the biographical method and the narrative interview technique being employed. Intentional sampling was used. Fifty-six interviews were conducted, where the respondents were divided into eight categories based on: physical fitness, stage of sports career, and type of sports discipline.

From the analyses performed, the motivation and importance of sport in the lives of both able-bodied and disabled athletes, their families and professional situation, the education process, as well as the completion of their sports career have been presented.

Compared to their peers, able-bodied athletes were distinguished by their skills, which determined their decision to compete in sport. People with a disability could meet other disabled individuals during sports training. The choice of the sport discipline depended on predispositions. A club's policy and the rules governing it influenced the lives of the competitors: they discontinued education or delayed starting a family. In the social world of sport, competitors met significant others. Practising a discipline determined the time of retirement from sports.
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