The right of trade unions to information in the Polish labour law system
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Uniwersytet Jagielloński
Submission date: 2023-02-21
Final revision date: 2023-06-06
Acceptance date: 2023-06-06
Publication date: 2023-07-29
JoMS 2023;51(2):174-185
The right to obtain information from the employer is fundamental for the activity of trade
unions. In the Polish labour law system, a pluralism of normative approaches functions in this
matter. As a result, in practice we are dealing with a specific interference of competences of
trade unions. In order to obtain specific information, they have to reference different legal
bases. The aim of this study is to provide a comprehensive presentation of this complex issue.
Material and methods:
Analysis of regulation
introduced in this matter, as well.
To sum up this discussion on the right of trade unions to information, I would like to
conclude that, in the Polish labour law system, we are dealing with a pluralism of normative
solutions in this matter. Individual provisions regulate the issue of access to information in
various ways, not only in the subjective, but also in the procedural aspect. In this respect, we
are dealing with a specific interference of competences of trade unions. In order to obtain
specific information, they have to reference different legal bases. Due to that, I recommend,
de lege ferenda to unify the legal regulations in a single legal standard, which should ideally
be included in the Act on trade unions. Another disadvantage of the currently existing legal
regulations is the lack of universal prerequisites for the refusal to provide information by the
employer. In its consequences, it leads to chaos and various conflicts with trade unions. Due
to the above, I suggest that specific material law and procedural regulations should be
introduced in this matter, as well.
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