The relevance of Catholic Social Teaching for building a better world - conflict with values promoted on social media
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Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
Submission date: 2023-06-18
Final revision date: 2023-07-05
Acceptance date: 2023-07-05
Publication date: 2023-07-29
JoMS 2023;51(2):552-570
The subject of this article is a kind of values conflict which arises between traditional principles and values, which are proposed, among others, by Catholic Social Teaching, and those often promoted by various influencers in social media. The aim is to demonstrate that the traditional values of Catholic Social Teaching are still relevant and important for building a better world within us and around us. Simultaneously, the goal is to show that these values are often contradicted to the the values promoted by social media.
Material and methods:
The method of analyzing the sources of Catholic Social Teaching (bible, church's teaching, literature) and analyzing the content conveyed through social media messages (content in such social media as: Facebook, YouTube, Tik Tok) is used in this article.
The result of this analysis shows the big conflict between traditional values given by Catholic Social Teaching with those promoted in social media by different influencers. In addition, the results shows the very negative impact of those values often given in social media.
The article concludes that in order to build a better world, it is necessary for the values proposed by Catholic Social Teaching to become the foundation of the value system embraced by members of society.
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