Objectives: The main purpose of the study is to recognize if enterprises incorporate brand archetypes based on values to develop their relationship with customers.
Material and methods: Based on the theoretic deliberation qualitative research was conducted. The method employed was a multiple case study, based on the confectionery market in Poland.
Two research subjects were chosen, i.e., Wedel and Wawel – two leading brands specialising in chocolate products to allow comparisons. The conducted research was descriptive in nature, not intended to provide conclusive evidence, but to have a better understanding of the problem.
Results: A way to communicate the USP to customers and to build B2C relations is to use archetypes and effectively incorporate them into a marketing strategy and refer to particular values. The conducted analysis allowed noticing different archetypes used by both research subjects, but they refer to the same emotions on Plutchik’s wheel of emotions.
Conclusions: The study findings are constrained by several limitations: only two case studies were studied representing the same business sector.
On a managerial level, the paper brings several contributions to marketing professionals, especially suggests how using archetypes supports relationships between customers and the company. When effectively communicated, they allow to build bonds with consumers who co-share the same principles and beliefs.
From an academic point of view, we contributed to the theory of the social sciences by presenting the interrelations between brand archetypes and effective customer relations through shared values.
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