The land development plan as a legal act and administrative instrument for planning and managing the development of the municipality. A legal, political and socio-economic study
The paper deals with the subject of the spatial development plan as a key instrument for managing the development of a municipality. The essence of the spatial planning process is presented, as well as the applicable legal rules and procedures for the creation of this document, together with a description of the competences of the various authorities and public institutions in the spatial planning process. It also presents a statistical view of the functioning of plans throughout the country. Particular attention was paid to the negative consequences of the lack of use of this instrument in the context of the development processes of territorial units. The analysis presented includes a legal analysis of planning processes, taking into account administrative proceedings, planning annuities and local development processes. The arguments presented above proving the extremely important role of spatial planning processes in improving the quality of life of local communities should be reflected in the number of communes in which such plans are in force, and more precisely, it is to indicate the area of the entire country covered by the adopted local plans.
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