Electronic delivery in cases of appeals against resolutions of the National Council of the Judiciary is sometimes of key importance for the resolution of cases by the Supreme Court. The issue of delivery is not obvious and easy to verify. It happens that both the National Council of the Judiciary and common courts do not treat deliveries seriously and do not respect all the consequences, which are the same as the consequences of deliveries made using a postal operator. Electronic deliveries are intended to facilitate and accelerate procedures conducted by the National Council of the Judiciary, but their use may involve irregularities that can only be verified by the Supreme Court.
Electronic delivery in cases of appeals against resolutions of the National Council of the Judiciary is sometimes of key importance for the resolution of cases by the Supreme Court. The issue of delivery is not obvious and easy to verify. It happens that both the National Council of the Judiciary and common courts do not treat deliveries seriously and do not respect all the consequences, which are the same as the consequences of deliveries made using a postal operator. Electronic deliveries are intended to facilitate and accelerate procedures conducted by the National Council of the Judiciary, but their use may involve irregularities that can only be verified by the Supreme Court.
Demendecki, T. (2024). Granice kontroli sądowej odwołania uczestnika postępowania nominacyjnego przed Krajową Radą Sądownictwa przez Sąd Najwyższy w świetle jego orzecznictwa, Nr 1 (48), 7-19, Prawo i Więź.
Ereciński, T. , Gudowski, J., Iwulski, J. (2010). Komentarz do art. 44 u.KRS [w:] Prawo o ustroju sądów powszechnych. Ustawa o Krajowej Radzie Sądownictwa. Komentarz. Warszawa: Lexis Nexis.
Nawrot, O., Vachev, V. (2020). O standardach oceny kandydatów do pełnienia urzędu sędziego przez Krajową Radę Sądownictwa, nr 5(160), 113–132, Przegląd Sejmowy.
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