The dimensions of humanity in terms of the concept of sustainable management – the assessment from the perspective of manufacturers of technical subassemblies for means of agricultural transport
Zielona Góra
Data nadesłania: 18-08-2023
Data akceptacji: 22-05-2024
Data publikacji: 27-06-2024
Autor do korespondencji
Przemysław Niewiadomski   

Zielona Góra
JoMS 2024;56(2):78-101
The aim of the article is to develop a model of key desiderata reflecting the dimensions of humanity (employees functioning in the labor market), in accordance with the idea articulated from the perspective of the concept of sustainable management.

Material and methods:
Achieving the main goal requires the implementation of partial goals, among which the following have been distinguished: (C1) on the theoretical and design level - a query of the literature on the subject in direct relation to the research topic (theoretical evaluation model; (2) on the design level - discussion among purposefully selected field experts, aimed at selecting those dimensions of humanity which, in terms of the concept of sustainable management, are crucial from the perspective of manufacturers of technical components of means of agricultural transport; (3) on an empirical level - determining the level of implementation of selected factors and thus indicating what (if) shortcomings surveyed enterprises.

The material collected in the research procedure allowed to verify the adopted assumptions and formulate conclusions of a general and cognitive nature. As a result of the conducted research, it was established that there are significant premises for the implementation of the concept of sustainable management and the implementation of the resulting social dimensions.

The proposed assessment method is part of a comprehensive approach to the holistic assessment of the eco-maturity of enterprises and the clarification of their management mechanisms. It is used to indicate strengths and weaknesses and to identify subsystems that need improvement.
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