Technical instruction for the authors

Important: Journal of Modern Science only uses endnotes.

vertical orientation
*.doc or *.docx
The volume of the text12000 - 30000 characters with spaces, but not more than 15 pages (with title page, an abstract, keywords, a list of literature, tables and figures);
minimum ½ publishing sheet
FontTimes New Roman
Font size11 pkt
Text alignmentaccording to the width
Automatic hyphenationno
Numeracja stronno
Numbering style in the textthe Arabic numerals only.
Figures and tablesMaximum size - 10x17 cm.
Font size - 8-11 points.
In the vertical orientation, without shading, the number and title of the above explanations and the source below.
They should fall immediately after the text in which they are mentioned for the first time, or on the next page.
All tables, figures and photographs should be created and edited in Microsoft Word format using the "Create drawing" (or "Create table")
FormulaThey should be written using the formula editor (internal formula editor in MicrosoftWordforWindows)
References in the textIn brackets the name of the author or authors, the year of publication and the pages, from which quoted or paraphrased passage were taken.
Example: (Massai, 2011, p. 238-245).
Bibliography at the end of the article.
Do not use footnotes.
Number of sources usedNot less than 20.
Of these, at least 25% of the items should be from journals scored in Scopus and Web of Science.
Język artykułuEnglish, Polish, Italian, Slovak, Ukrainian, Russian

The structure of the article:

Name of itemTechnical rulesComments
The full name of the author (authors)on the left side, boldnone
Affiliation on the left sideIn English language and in article’s language
E-mail addresson the left side
Title of the articleLowercase, centred, boldIn English language and in article’s language
Abstract900-1800 characters with spaces; in English language and below in the article’s language.
The structure of abstracts
Methods: …
Abstract – it is the independent source of information.
The summary must describe the main purpose of the study, explain, without the methodological details, how the study was conducted. It must summarize the most important results and their significance.
Do not exceed 300 words.
The abstract should not include: citations, abbreviations (if possible).
Keywords5-7 wordsIn English language and below in the article’s language.
The keywords should reflect the main content of the article: the terms contained in the text, as well as terms that define the range of topics
The text of the article:
- Introduction
- Research methods
- Chapters (chapters 2-3)
- Conclusions
Introduction, Research methods, names of chapters (do not use the numbering), Conclusions – bold
Distinguish between dash (–) and a hyphen (-).
The words "ul. Sienkiewicz” use the non-breaking space (while Ctrl + Shift + Space). Abbreviations such as 70-go - hard hyphen (while Ctrl + Shift + space + hyphen).
Introduction - it is the justification for the issue of the topic, review the achievements in the topic. Hypothesis and aim.
Conclusion – the summary, the comparison of performance in relation to the achievements of science, suggestions for future, the research directions.
References1. The alphabetical order.
2. The structure of bibliographic description:
Surname of the author, name’s initial. (Year of publication). Title.Publisher, Pages.
Zaręba, M. (2010). Metody rozwiązywania sporów na arenie międzynarodowej w XIX wieku, 7-10. Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
3. For sources written in Cyrillic – it is necessary to use transliteration.
The article with serious bibliography presents a the extent of professional knowledge and quality of research.

Basics of transliteration:
For the sources written in the system of Cyrillic, the Romanization of alphabet according to the scheme must be used:
- Authors (transliteration)
- Year of publication
- Transliteration of the article’s title
- [Translation of the article title into English in square brackets]
- Transliteration of the title’s source
- [Translation source title into English - paraphrase]
- Information about the issue with the expressions in the English language
- Indications to the article (in Ukrainian, in Russian)

The editorial staff of the journal Journal of Modern Science uses the transliteration BGN/PCGN (1965).
We suggest to use these sites for automatic transliteration::
- from Ukrainian language –

The example of transliteration:
Nesterenko, G. (2015). Systema upravlins'kykh kompetentsiy vykladacha vyshchoyi shkoly, 89-105. [System of the managerial competences of a high school teacher].Upravlins'ki kompetentsiyi u profesiyniy diyal'nosti vykladacha. [Managerial competences in professional teacher’s activity], Agrar Media Group. (In Ukrainian).

Abbreviations of the expressions used during quoting:

Abbreviations in PolishAbbreviations in EnglishFull text (PL)Full text (ENG)
i al.I inni (autorzy/redaktorzy)Et alii (authors/editors)

Guidance on the preparation of bibliographic descriptions:

The compact publication of one author:
Zaręba, M. (2010). Metody rozwiązywania sporów na arenie międzynarodowej w XXI wieku. Wydawnictwo Naukowe.

The compact publication of many authors:
Adamczyk, M., Zaręba, Z. (2010). Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi organizacji w okresie transformacji. Wydawnictwo Nowa Nauka Polska.

The chapter / fragment / section of compact publication:
Adamczyk, M., Zaręba, Z. (2010). Teoretyczne i funkcjonalne aspekty karier w okresie transformacji. in: A. Adamczyk (ed.), Zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi organizacji w okresie transformacji, 112-165. Wydawnictwo Nowa Nauka Polska.

The entry (article) in the encyclopedia / dictionary:
Włodarczyk, B. (2013). Jurysprudencja. in: M. Zaręba (ed.) Encyklopedia XXI wieku, (wyd. 1, 117). Wydawnictwo Nowa Nauka Polska.

The entry (article) in the on-line encyclopedia / dictionary:
Włodarczyk, B. (2013). Jurysprudencja. in: M. Zaręba (ed.) Encyklopedia XXI wieku. Wydawnictwo Nowa Nauka Polska. Retrieved 10.01.2013 from

The article in journal:
Witkowicz, A. (2013). Zapobieganie przemocy w szkole – zmiany w prawie i programie kształcenia pedagogów, 12 (4), 34-57. Polski Przegląd Naukowy.
Witkowicz, A. (2012). Zapobieganie przemocy w szkole – zmiany w prawie i programie kształcenia pedagogów, 12 (4), 34-57. Polski Przegląd Naukowy. Retrieved 20.05.2012 from

Ustawa z dnia 26 października 1982 r. o postępowaniu w sprawach nieletnich. Dz.U.2002.11.109, tekst jednolity.
Ustawa z dnia 26 października 1982 r. o postępowaniu w sprawach nieletnich. Dz.U.2002.11.109, tekst jednolity. Retrieved 20.05.2012 from

Internet sources:
Zaręba, W. Teoretyczne i funkcjonalne aspekty karier w okresie transformacji. Retrieved 20.05.2012 from
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