Tax optimisation in the tax risk management process. Tax-legal analysis and selected managerial issues
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WSEI University, Poland
Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide de Gasperi w Józefowie
Graduate School of Business - National-Louis University (WSB-NLU), Poland
Submission date: 2024-03-03
Acceptance date: 2024-03-18
Publication date: 2024-03-28
Corresponding author
Sylwia Skrzypek-Ahmed   

WSEI University, Poland
JoMS 2024;55(1):355-369
The aim of the article is to theoretically present ways of legally optimising the taxation of entrepreneurs' income, by using the appropriate construction of legal regulations and legal and organisational forms of business. The issues of tax risk in the context of tax management are also presented. The goal of management is to reduce economic risk and to protect against its consequences.

Material and methods:
Research in the social sciences, is inspired by numerous and diverse needs. Therefore, we will reduce the existing needs to two main types, to which certain types of research correspond. The first is combined with needs of a theoretical or cognitive nature, that is, it includes all those needs that are associated with the development of a particular science. The second is combined with the various needs of practice.

Income taxes also have a negative impact on the assets (equity) of entrepreneurs. The reduction in wealth results from the burdening of entrepreneurs with both wealth taxes and corporate income tax in the case of capital companies and, in the case of partnerships, with personal income tax for distributions made to partners.

Both of these risks describe a potential reality, i.e. the possibility of coming into conflict with the tax authorities. Their realisation is random, with the so-called double randomness - both the timing of the event (conflict) and its depth, i.e. the consequences, are unknown. These effects are mainly financial (arrears incurred, financial sanctions, etc.), although loss of credibility, for example, may also be involved. Importantly, both risks are linked to uncertainty, but each with a different one. Speculative risk is linked to the uncertainty of whether an illegal act will come to light.
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