Conflicts in preschool children
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Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach
Publication date: 2014-03-31
JoMS 2014;20(1):11-30
The article is dedicated to natural phenomenon, and the conflict of it. The conflict takes specific place in life of every individual, because it causes stressful situations, and these cause formation of psychical and physiological disorders of organism. This can be considered as process or state. In literature of object and every daily life can be identified with difference of opinions, rivalry, incompatibility, competition, contradiction, struggle, hostility etc. Why does it comes to antagonisms, and can they be avoid? Many practitioners and theoreticians constantly seek answer to this question. Their object of interest is both the phase of going in to conflict, conflict its self, and phase of a solution. Continuing these considerations the author of this article undertook test performance of conflict process among chosen pre - school children. The study was done on 300 children of 5-6 years of age in kindergartens located in city Siedlce, among 120 girls and 180 boys. Diagnostic method was used, which resulted in observation, questioner and interview. With chosen tools analysis of phenomenon of conflict, methods of children’s behavior, results of this occurrence, its place and the time of occurrence as well as the strategy of solution and a result of  it were done.
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