Objectives: Safety management is a specific process, which should take into account building societal resistance based on flexibility and elasticity of its components. The goal of the paper is to present resilience indices/measures with coexistence of stability and change as well a specific homeostasis accompanied by dynamic evolution that guarantees sustainable development
Material and methods: Methodology based on approaches adopted among others by the UNU-IAS - SEPLS and selected literature sources allowed the establishment of a set of criteria meant to assist in compilation of input data for needs of analyses of mesoregions. In addition results of the research process were verified/subjected to testing during interviews carried out among community members and representatives of local authorities. All those materials were analysed in a synthetic manner and allowed achieving the assumed goal
Results: According to the sociological approach, based on the theory of community development and trust culture as well as on an approach assuming the concept of system resilience, a wide set of indicators has been established which form a starting point for further studies in this field. The deliberations took into account not only a subjective perception of security, but also its measurable variables
Conclusions: The paper has both a theoretical and a practical dimension. The concept of resilience is quite effective under the general theory of systems. However, in situations when systemic formulations tens to hinder rather than help provide clarifications, a different interpretation may be justified. This may happen in case of building societal resistance, limiting the risk of hazards, which seems to be to a bigger extent related with transformation than with preserving “the state of the system”.
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