Effectiveness of the System State Medical Rescue in times of an epidemic threat, as example of the Sars Cov - 2 pandemic
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Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku
Submission date: 2023-01-04
Final revision date: 2023-03-07
Acceptance date: 2023-03-21
Publication date: 2023-04-29
Corresponding author
Michalina Agata Pietrek   

Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku
JoMS 2023;50(1):516-531
Research objective - determining the effectiveness of the PRM system in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. Research problem: how did the State Medical Rescue System "found itself" in the pandemic situation and how is its effectiveness shaped? Research hypothesis: the PRM system, despite many organizational and staffing problems, functions and copes with the pandemic situation, but its effectiveness is not at the highest level.

Material and methods:
In order to achieve the research goal set in this way, answer the research question and confirm the hypothesis, a number of research methods were used, including theoretical (e.g. comparison, analysis of the literature, analysis of legal acts, synthesis and analysis, inference, abstraction) and empirical (especially the statistical and diagnostic survey). In this paper, limitations were made regarding the research area, namely the research concerns the Pomeranian Voivodeship.

The increased number of EMT calls, their extended operation time in the case of some interventions, time for additional personal protection caused that the number of PRM system entities was insufficient. In this situation, entities cooperating with the system, largely belonging to the National Rescue and Firefighting System, were used. According to the author, it was a very good solution in the situation at that time. The system is also greatly supported by the activities of the Territorial Defense Forces, which mainly strengthened hospital emergency departments.

After two years of the pandemic, competences have increased significantly, and this is primarily the result of the experience gained and self-education. The introduced procedures and plans also contributed to the increase in the competence of the system's employees, which further improves the functioning of the system.
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