Networks of learning and cooperating of teachers as a model of professional development of adults
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Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Płocku
Publication date: 2014-09-30
JoMS 2014;22(3):185-199
The text presents a network model of teacher training. Concerned conception in many countries is standard. In Poland, slowly permeates into the structures of schools and other educational institutions. Adapting the concept of social networks to create the model of learning and collaboration adult workers - of teachers gives many possibilities a broad educational impact, for obtaining effects in a variety of educational environments and the implementation of changes in the mentality and way of working teachers. This corresponds also to the demand in the field of lifelong learning. The text presents substrate networking learners and co-teachers and organizational assumptions. Reference was also to the practical aspects of the implementation the presented model.
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