Seniors about ageing and old age – an example from Poland
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Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego
Submission date: 2022-08-02
Final revision date: 2022-11-14
Acceptance date: 2022-11-15
Publication date: 2022-11-29
Corresponding author
Martyna Izabela Kawińska   

Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego
JoMS 2022;49(2):554-570
The paper is of a cognitive nature, it aims at diagnosing the factors of activity of the elderly and defining their anxieties and expectations related to old age and ageing.

Material and methods:
The paper is a set of theoretical deliberations consistent with the literature of the subject and empirical deliberations collected based on generally available statistical data and own research findings. The presented research is of an exploratory nature.

The more and more visible process of ageing societies is contributing to the growing interest in the problem of old age, particularly with regard to the social perception of old age itself and to the related complex process of ageing. This paper attempts to analyse the indicated aspects, considering seniors' attitudes towards the discussed problems. The article presents statistical data for Poland and the author's own research findings.

Contemporary old age is really varied in terms of age, sex, education level, and first of all in terms of health and independence level, thus, the way of experiencing it is very individual. However, one can indicate some trends and tendencies which accompany this process. At present, seniors prepare better and better to go through old age, more and more often they take advantage of various forms of activity, owing to which they can face the consequences of aging and experience their old age more and more consciously.
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