Self-Government Boards of Appeal
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University of Social Sciences, Łódź
Publication date: 2015-12-31
JoMS 2015;27(4):359-382
The purpose of local self-government in Poland, which was reactivated in 1990, was to address the needs of the entire local community. Newly created commune authorities were also made competent to handle individual matters by means of administrative decisions. It became necessary to make the idea of the communes’ independence and sovereignty go in line with the underlying standard of administrative proceedings, which is the parties’ right to have their matter examined twice as to its substance. Simultaneously with local self-government, boards of appeal were created at selfgovernment parliaments, which were meant to safeguard real protection of entities whose matters were handled in an authoritarian, unilateral manner by the commune authorities. The boards of appeal were modified by subsequent legal regulations and have been operating until the present day, though in 1994 they were renamed as selfgovernment boards of appeal. In this paper the evolution of these bodies is presented and their linkage to local self-government is explained.
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