The IT sector on Warsaw Stock Exchange as innovative activity financed by the emission of securities on public market
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Zakład Ekonomii Wydział Administracji i Nauk Społecznych Politechnika Warszawska
Publication date: 2017-06-30
JoMS 2017;33(2):205-225
The main aim of this article is to present the IT sector on WSE, as a part of innovative economy. The primary thesis is the statement, that systematic development of IT sector in years 2009–2016 on stock market in Poland, is (to a certain degree) a reflection of the progress made in computerization of Poland during this period. The article uses data from reports and yearbooks of GUS (Central Statistical Office of Poland), competitiveness reports, fact books from WSE, information from companies from index WIG-info, and scientific literature. This article is empirical, contains a short analysis of companies in terms of area business, profitability and investment risk, as well as some comments about prospects for the development and diversification of the sector.
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