Self-realization, meaning of life and lifelong education
Faculty of Education Matej Bel University Banská Bystrica Slovak republic
Data publikacji: 30-09-2014
JoMS 2014;22(3):111-127
In times of globalization changes and economization of the entire social life we see that the philosophical idea of the individual creative and human self-realization of people is being misused by the economic powers to serve the individualism ideology to meet the needs of the market. That is why this study clarifies the personalistic, phenomenological and holistic approaches towards the substance of humans, looking particularly on the personable dimension of their lives. Self-realization is seen as a creative transcending of the world and oneself, not only to meet one`s needs and intentions, but also as fulfilling the needs of others, as a fulfillment of human values. It explains the process of forming the meaning of human life and the role education plays in it. The education itself is seen not only as an introduction of others into the world, but also into the meaning of their unique lives, into their freedom and responsibility, and this simultaneously puts high demands on the lifelong education.
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