Relations between information science and information security culture
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Military University of Technology
Submission date: 2023-05-17
Acceptance date: 2023-11-20
Publication date: 2023-12-30
Corresponding author
Bogusław Jagusiak   

Military University of Technology
JoMS 2023;53(4):222-239
The aim of the article is to present the relations that exist between the culture of information security and information sciences.

Material and methods:
desk research, Literature criticism, Synthesis, Comparative analysis.

The ability to manage information correctly is essential from the point of view of security. As a result, one may conduct research with the aim of developing optimised actions concerning information management and determine the borders between the security of information and informational security. In this aspect, the scientific considerations should also include studies of the relations that exist between information management and information security management. In order to manage security efficiently, it is necessary to understand the nature of security and to know the current challenges and threats.

In a world where IT tools are an indispensable element of daily human activities, information science has a strong influence on the information security culture. These areas of activity mainly include the development of security technologies, where information science strives to develop systems that would effectively protect users from threats such as distortion or data loss.. Another sphere is education for employees about information security, which would help develop appropriate models for an information security culture. Another important aspect is the human awareness of threats that may be encountered during the use of IT tools or platforms. The final aspect that should be considered is risk management. Information science enables analysis to be conducted regarding risks related to information security and to treat them as the basis for developing optimum action plans in the event of an emergence of threat.
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