Regulation-Making Competence of Municipalities in the Slovak Republic (Selected Problems)
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Faculty of Public Administration Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice
Publication date: 2016-12-31
JoMS 2016;31(4):207-216
Author analyses selected problems connected with the regulation-making competence of municipalities. He points out the limits of the municipalities regulation-making defined by the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic, the implementation problems that reflect professional level of members of municipal councils. He deals with the exercise of a municipality mayor’s suspension power in connection to the municipality by-laws, as well as potential subjects of a regulation- -making initiative. He suggests the legislative solutions and gives the arguments for them. He uses the method of the constitutional-law-based analysis of the institutes and connections under research, complemented by the method of synthesis of obtained knowledge based on experience from practice of municipal self-governments (empirical method).
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