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Objectives: The aim of the article is to analyze the use of feature films as a means of anti-Ukrainian stereotyping of the Russian-language information space users in comparison with the effect of this influence, reflected in the results of sociological research.
Material and methods: Deduction technique has been involved to male conclusions based on the analysed facts and generaliation method as well. The analyses of social research results has been performed.
Results: It is generaly known, that cinema has a significant impact on the mass consciousness and stereotypes formation. The Soviet Union made great efforts to create appropriate film images that broadcast Soviet ideology – the main function of Soviet cinema was to create a new Soviet identity. Everything that did not fit into the notion of “Sovietness” was directly or indirectly branded as hostile, alien and unacceptable to the Soviet man. Therefore, the image of the enemy in the the Soviet cinematography and the one of the Socialist Camp was formed with special care and clarity.
Conclusions: Observations and analysis confirm that the Soviet stencil of the cinematic image of a Ukrainian is actively used in modern Russian films. Ukrainian-patriotic heroes of Soviet and modern Russian films are always antipodes to “correct” heroes and portrayed purely negatively, they are associated with stereotypes about their appearance, character, past, religious views. In such films, Ukrainians are portrayed as bearers of negative values and qualities – demonstrate criminal tendencies, willingly drink alcohol, appear as traitors, grounded people, primitive.
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