Objectives: The purpose of the study was to analyze past cyber attacks on fire department operational systems and to assess the risks of a cyber incident.
Material and methods: Analysis of data from open sources and bicriteria analysis of studies in scientific databases were used. A graphical method for assessing the level of risk using a two-dimensional matrix was also used.
Results: The highest risk level of 15 was recorded for phishing attacks in Confidentiality and Availability of data, followed by ransomware attacks in the same area. In the area of drone events in firefighting operations, the highest risk level of 6 was recorded for GPS Spoofing attacks during a mass event in terms of data availability (Availability).
Conclusions: To date, fire department cyber incidents have not affected business continuity. However, in the event of a mass or hybrid incident, the occurrence of an incident in operational systems, can significantly reduce operational capacity and thus affect life-saving operations.
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