Rational waste management as an undertaking in the state economic safety
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Zakład Ekonomii Wydział Administracji i Nauk Społecznych Politechnika Warszawska
Publication date: 2015-03-31
JoMS 2015;24(1):229-247
Rational waste management requires proper activities by economic units according to hierarchy of waste management as elaborated by EU. It includes the plan of action that aims at separating economic growth, that makes an increase of economic welfare, from the amount of waste, that make a burden for environment due to decreasing the quality of components of environment as well as life conditions and public health. Poland as EU member implemented the rules of waste management. Th ere are, however, the obstacles to successful management due to the heritage dating from centrally planned economy (eg. Constructing pesticide waste cemeteries) as well as still low ecological consciousness of the society in Poland. Th e main target of the paper is to point out the current problems of the waste management in Poland. It is based on the analysis of inner and international documents as well as secondary empirical data describing the current situation of natural environment in Poland.
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