Quality management in public administration. Legal and administrative regulations and effective process management
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Graduate School of Business - National-Louis University (WSB-NLU), Poland
WSEI University, Poland
Submission date: 2024-04-26
Acceptance date: 2024-07-12
Publication date: 2024-08-20
Corresponding author
Tomasz Wołowiec   

WSEI University, Poland
JoMS 2024;57(Numer specjalny 3):302-321
A quality-based public organisation creates its own quality culture, which determines the value-giving activities and processes and the behaviour and attitudes of their participants. This culture is created by the commitment of top management through its contribution to promoting a quality approach. An organisation that adheres to the principles of quality management standards is committed to identifying the processes within the quality management system, together with their sequence and interdependencies (process approach). By locating the necessary resources in the processes, it is possible to manage them in such a way as to deliver value and achieve results for the relevant stakeholders (customer orientation, relationship management). At the same time, the systems approach provides an opportunity for top management (leadership) to optimise them in the short and long term as a consequence of decisions taken. The aim is to continuously implement the measures necessary to achieve the set results and continuous improvement (enhancement). The quality management system provides the opportunity to apply the organisation's natural approach to effective and efficient management by defining monitoring methods and ways of evaluating them (fact-based decision-making). Also, in order to manage effectively and efficiently, it is non-negligible to involve employees at all levels. As participants in the processes defined in the sys-tem, they contribute directly to the results achieved (people involvement).
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Zarządzenie nr 28 Ministra Skarbu Państwa z dnia 27 sierpnia 2015 r. w sprawie systemu zarządzania jakością i systemu przeciwdziałania zagrożeniom korupcyjnym w Ministerstwie Skarbu Państwa.
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