Psychosocial predictors of the sense of coherence in adolescents and young adults raised up by single mothers
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Institute of Pedagogy UMCS Lublin
Submission date: 2023-07-14
Final revision date: 2023-11-16
Acceptance date: 2024-02-25
Publication date: 2024-03-28
Corresponding author
Agnieszka Bochniarz   

Institute of Pedagogy UMCS Lublin
JoMS 2024;55(1):101-117
The aim of the research was to diagnose the sense of coherence in youth raised by single mothers in relation to their personal dispositions: self-esteem, values, and social support.

Material and methods:
The research material was obtained using a diagnostic survey method, which included the following research tools: Antonovsky's Orientation To Life Questionnaire (SOC-29), Tennessee Self-Concept Scale (TSCS), Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire (NSSQ) and Portrait Value Questionnaire (PVQ).

In the constructed path model, based on previous multiple stepwise regression analyses, the obtained predictive configurations had diverse significances. The psychosocial predictors of the sense of coherence in youth raised by single mothers were indicators of social support, values, and self-esteem: instrumental and functional support, values of safety, tradition, and power, as well as personal self.

A high level of sense of coherence significantly and positively correlates with experiencing instrumental support by youth raised by single mothers. Received material assistance, along with a preference for traditional values and power, promotes better adaptation to the changing reality among the participants. On the other hand, stronger functional support, higher self-esteem, and a higher level of social and personal security among youth raised by single mothers are associated with less engagement in actions aimed at improving their life situation and more difficulties in coping with stress. From the perspective of educational practice, the obtained research results can be used for planning and designing activities that strengthen personal dispositions and support the functioning of young people from single-parent families.
The article funded by the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University of in Lublin
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