Premises for introducing the concept of diversity management in Polish organizations
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Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
Submission date: 2018-01-04
Final revision date: 2018-02-18
Acceptance date: 2018-02-19
Publication date: 2018-04-19
Corresponding author
Elwira Gross-Gołacka   

Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie, Sienkiewicz 4, 05-410 Józefów, Polska
JoMS 2018;36(1):293-317
The aim of the article is to present the premises for implementing the concept of diversity management in organizations. Three reasons were analyzed: 1. demographic change (aging workforce), 2. the need to know the needs of various social groups in the organization; 3. the benefits of diversity.

Material and methods:
review of domestic and foreign literature, analysis of statistical data

The demographic changes taking place in Poland are therefore not debatable. Consider the scale and size of their social and economic consequences and what effects they will cause for the organization and management of them. In general, it is noted that these changes generate changes in human resources. followed by: - Changes in the labor market, including working conditions, lifestyle, employment profiles; - Weakening of traditional patterns of employment, consumption and ways of thinking which influences who companies employ; - Increased importance of previously marginalized groups.

Essentially, from the perspective of changes in society and the workplace, it is easy to understand the important role diversity plays and will play in the future competitive and organizational success. In general, diversity in the workplace will be an increasing challenge for the organization. In the workplace, these changes may mean staff changes in companies. Enterprises, taking into account, for example, the aging process of society, will be forced to control personnel fluctuations in order to ensure, for instance, the continuity of staffing and the transfer of useful knowledge in the workplace. From this perspective, the concept of diversity management may be important. Regardless of whether we look at diversity as a social issue, regarding the workplace or the consumer market, demographic changes can not be ignored.
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