Violence against women and elderly people in a family environment
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Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
Publication date: 2016-12-31
JoMS 2016;31(4):101-124
The article examines the issue of domestic violence which is becoming an increasing social problem nowadays. Admittedly, it has always existed. However, at the current time of advanced and still developing processes democratising social life, as well as increasing sensitivity to compliance with the laws of human rights, the study of it seems to be especially substantial. Research concerning people who experience domestic violence, first of all women and seniors, is a significant aspect when considering this complex phenomenon. It is essential to provide a detailed description of the psychosocial factors which predispose to becoming a victim of abuse and then to characterize them considering their susceptibility to the violent acts. Research in this direction is even more valuable as it allows us to identify individuals who are at risk and to prevent their exclusion and permanent victimisation. Domestic violence against women and elderly people requires the implementation of remedial measures. It is a challenge to undertake these interventions and educational measures, especially in terms of the broadly understood pro-family education which prepares people for the responsible fulfilment of family roles. Overcoming stereotypes regarding old age, together with implementing senior policy seem to be an important course of action. It requires full engagement of professionals from various domains, as well as the participation of numerous social environments.
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