Multinational enterprises as driving forces of efficiency and globalization – friends or foes?
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Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu
Submission date: 2023-12-30
Acceptance date: 2024-02-19
Publication date: 2024-03-28
Corresponding author
Marian Gorynia   

Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu
JoMS 2024;55(1):36-53
The subject and purpose of this study is reflection on the role of international enterprises (PM) in economic processes. The point is to answer the question under what conditions these enterprises are carriers, defenders and promoters of efficiency, and in what situations the companies in question deviate from the principles of efficiency and thus become enemies of prosperity.

Material and methods:
The basic method used in the study is the method of critical literature analysis. The author used the results of literature research on the considered issue conducted over the last 5 years with a broad reference to the historical approach.

The main result of the conducted considerations comes down to the statement that it is basically impossible to give a clear and unconditional answer to the question asked in the title.

• The overall image of PM from the point of view of efficiency and welfare seems to be an extension of the image of the firm as such in a capitalist market economy. Just like "ordinary enterprises", PMs are an institutional solution that allows for the efficient and effective organization of resources to meet human needs. This solution had no precedents in the entire economic history. • The above-mentioned six understandings of PM show that the answer to the question of good or bad, beauty or beast, or friend or foe cannot be one-and-one. This answer should take into account that in the realities of a market economy there is room for both Friend and Foe. • IE is good, but not so much that it couldn't be better. • The need for a broad understanding of efficiency, starting from global rationality going beyond efficiency, i.e. also taking into account uncertainty, resilience, and stability.
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