The subject of this study is a comparative law analysis of the issue concerning the principle of equality and the prohibition of discrimination in the Czech and Polish legal systems. The subject is still topical because of the phenomenon of discrimination occurring in a workplace among employees. This phenomenon is of multidimensional character and its complexity causes numerous problems for entities interpreting the provisions within this field. The aspects related to discrimination are not and will not be an easy subject, especially because they concern delicate and sensitive aspects related to human dignity, including the right to privacy. In employment, employees should most of all be treated equally in terms of the way of establishing and terminating their work relationships, the conditions of employment, qualifications and most importantly, aspects related to political beliefs, trade union membership or religion practiced. The first part will issues of a general nature, primarily those relating to international and European regulations regarding the principle of equality and the prohibition of discrimination will be presented. In the further part of the article, the topic of anti-discrimination provisions under Polish and Czech law will be discussed and legal solutions in this matter will be presented.
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