Objectives: The subject of the study is the analysis of selected decisions adopted under the Climate Package in 2018 in connection with the human right to health protection. This issue requires a broader approach, namely the definition of human right to health protection and its relationship with the environment and climate changes. The research hypothesis is based on the statement that the assumptions adopted at the Katowice Summit quite poorly linked the fight against climate changes with the human right to health protection.
Material and methods: The descriptive method and analysis of legal provisions and official documents were used in the work.
Results: The research goal is to find the answer to the question: to what extent the solutions adopted during the Katowice Summit will actually have an impact on the protection of human health.
Conclusions: The final conclusion of the study is that adopted provisions in Paris and in Katowice aim to create better political, financial and social conditions for the protection of human health, taking into account local determinants.
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