The football player’s (athlete) right to defence in the light of FIFA and PZPN (the Polish Football Association) regulations
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Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
Publication date: 2017-11-16
JoMS 2017;34(3):91-104
The right to defence is one of the fundamental human rights. It is implemented in the situation of being accused in the front of court and in the front of disciplinary committee in connection with the specific occupations or sport activities. The human right to defence had been defined in the documents of international law on human rights. Consequently, it is reflected in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. The subject of study is the football player’s right to defence. The basic regulations of sports law, and consequently of disciplinary proceedings in football is the Act on sport, the statutes of PZPN and finally disciplinary regulations of PZPN. The Statutory regulations are synchronized with the FIFA regulations. The right of the accused football player is materialized in the opportunity of active participation in the proceedings from its beginning, and it is already at the stage of case examination by the disciplinary prosecutor. The player has the right to access the case file, to indicate the personal and material evidence of his innocence, and finally, he may appoint the legal representative or demand the establishment of the legal representation from office. Two stages of the disciplinary proceedings are an important element of the player’s defence. The draft of amendment of the Act on sport and the introduction to this Act the Court of Arbitration and the possibility of bringing an appeal to the Supreme Court should be assessed positively.
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