Legal framework for combating corruption in football
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Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
Publication date: 2018-06-30
JoMS 2013;19(4):203-219
Legal framework and institutional tools of anti-corruption in football raise the question of their effectiveness. Numerous media reports, national as well as international, shows that corruption in football is not declining, but growing. So what are the reasons for this state of affairs? Corruption is always where the money is. A characteristic feature of football is not only an international character, but it also unite broadly understood groups, i.e. football , even at the regional level attracts different interest groups, in addition to sport-officials, players there are also betting companies, sponsors, local and central authorities, which use sport as an instrument of political propaganda. In this complex reality is quite difficult to identify real and authentic cases of corruption. It is not possible to predict new forms of corruption in football, despite of planning function of law, which can be understood as stipulation a possibility by the legislature to anticipate possible events which are subject to regulation. It can therefore be positively assessed the current legal situation of the fight against corruption with attention the need for continuous monitoring of the state of law. Also existing system of judicial disciplinary in football should be assessed positively. However, its weakness is the selection of cadres. The world of football decision- makers is relatively narrow, thus we may have doubts about whether it is possible to create a disciplinary commissions in the country, as well as in FIFA, whose members would be independent and sovereign.
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