Legal aspects of modern technologies and the level of knowledge of a modern entrepreneur - a model and its verification
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Uniwersytet Zielonogórski w Zielonej Górze
Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Gdańsku
Uniwersytet Gdański w Gdańsku
Submission date: 2022-05-26
Acceptance date: 2022-06-17
Publication date: 2022-07-31
Corresponding author
Bogdan - Nogalski   

Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Gdańsku
JoMS 2022;48(1):253-280
Conducting a series of studies on the assessment of knowledge on the legal aspects of modern technologies by Polish managers and business owners

Material and methods:
Desk research analysis including available literature sources and an expert debate on the subject of legal aspects of new technologies, a deliberately selected group of companies.

The study was a starting point for defining the gaps in the assimilation (self-assessment) of the microfoundations of new technology-oriented managerial legal knowledge articulated in the research model.

The research model, resulting from expert discussion, actually reflects the desired areas of legal knowledge in the field of new technologies that should be absorbed by modern managers.  The material collected in the research procedure made it possible to verify the hypothesis and formulate general and cognitive conclusions. Although the hypothesis assumed in the study - in the conducted empirical argument - was partially confirmed, it was tested by determining the degree of confirmation. Among the surveyed managers, there is a difference between the desired and the current level of acquiring key managerial legal knowledge regarding modern technologies, which was partially confirmed (strong, conclusive confirmation). However, a gap of 0.5 points was indicated, and in relation to the selected descriptors, the difference between the desired and the postulated level of knowledge was higher (weak confirmation). The paper presents a certain cross-section of parameters illustrating the level of legal knowledge, it can be treated as a base element for further discussions, thus giving rise to building dedicated models, it can be used in the study of sectors different from the one presented.
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