Transport needs for agribusiness sector in Poland
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Submission date: 2018-06-10
Final revision date: 2018-12-07
Acceptance date: 2019-01-10
Publication date: 2019-02-04
Corresponding author
Tomasz Rokicki   

JoMS 2018;39(4):309-320
The main aim of the paper was to indicate correlation between the economic situation in Poland and the volume of transport of agribusiness sector products.

Material and methods:
Secondary sources were used for the study, which include all the studies and statistical data of the Central Statistical Office and national and international literature on the subject. The research concerned the years 2005-2016. Pearson's linear correlation was used for this analysis.

In 2005-2016, loads in Poland were mainly transported by road. The share of this mode of transport in terms of volume of transported cargo in tonnes increased from 75.9% in 2005 to 83.22% in 2016.

Transport is said to be an activity that supports and influence the economic development. Depending on the production sectors in the country, the transport volume varies between different products and raw materials. The research results indicated that since 2005 the demand for road transport of products from the agribusiness sector has grown faster than in other cargo groups. The share of this type of cargo in total transport is growing and is higher than the average for total products. At the same time, the relationship between the volume of transport and economic indicators is very strong.
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