Procedure before the Advocate of the People in Romania
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Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, Rzeszów
Publication date: 2016-03-31
JoMS 2016;28(1):141-154
The paper aims at analyzing in detail a procedure of considering a complaint to the Romanian Ombudsman called ‘the Advocate of the People’, as well as the one initiated ex officio. Advocate of the People is a supreme, central, independent state authority, created to perform non-judicial protection of rights and freedoms guaranteed to the Romanian citizens and other persons residing on the territory of Romania. These competences are exercised by the Romanian Ombudsman with the help of certain legal instruments and means. The Advocate of the People has been equipped with a possibility to consider and decide on the complaints through examining if the violation of such rights has been committed in the activities of public administration authorities. In case of stating that such violation has occurred the Advocate of the People starts and conducts a proceedings aiming at redressing the rights guaranteed to the individual by the Constitution, laws and international legal acts, as well as compensating the damage and this way enables the citizens to materialize exercising their rights
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